I spent a few weeks in Ca, prior to my b-day. My shoots and ventures took me to San Francisco, Coachella (Indio), San Diego, and LA. All and all an incredible trip. Luckily, I was able to fit most (not all) of the people I needed to see and visit, while getting assignments done and still having a blast. I will say there was a lot of celebrating on both coasts this year, for my b-day. Upon my return back to NY, we had a big dinner at Barrio Chino, in the L.E.S. with about 12 ppl. The dinner was awesome, just close friends and good company. All the photos are separated below in different links.
Saturday, April 25th, we had a massive loft bday/loft party... the photos will tell all. I love you all. Thank you ALL SO MUCH, for the best bday yet! Merci.
We've had ammmmmazing weather the last 3 or 4 days. I haven't seen this many people out and about at the parks, since last summer. Lounging in grass with beautiful weather is still a bit foreign to me, since I grew up on the sand. But, it always makes for an interesting setting in NY. Union Square and Central Park are my two favorite places in the city. I will find myself hanging on the stairs of Union Square for hours just people watching and talking to new friends. It's one of the most eclectic settings I've ever been in. Warm nights on the streets of NY, tank tops, outdoor patios, music... BELLISSIMO!
Karla Devine and myself, at Williamsburg Waterfront Park.