My Margarita has entered New York! Margarita is a great friend, who I originally met while shooting in LA... She finally figured out that NY is the center of the universe ;)Welcome Margarita! A few polaroids from today, attached below.
We love her! I cast Karina Gubanova for a Mirage Magazine editorial we had, and she sold it on the spot... Great personality, fun, motivated, muahhh. Below are a few polaroids I snapped.
"Traces of cocaine taint up to 90 percent of paper money in the United States, a new study finds."- Well, I guess, welcome to the industry? HAHA.
The amazing Kata! I shot this editorial for L'Edito Magazine, while in Paris. This was shot in the middle of the rain, in the middle of a hundreds of obnoxiously interested tourists, and in gorilla conditions... Needless to say, very interesting. Kata is super easy going, young, eager, and someone you want to carry around in your pocket, she was that cute. This babe has a great editorial book. Enjoy.
We shot this in Paris last October, bored and were waiting for the new all the new spring collections to arrive. Totally <3 this video, and Margarita. Enjoy.
Calvis Harris took the classic film BIG and one upped the floor piano. He found a cheeky way to get some great exposure on his new track... time to pirate the new album, should be hot.
So, I finally received pdf's from the last few months of shooting for Nylon. This is about 4 issues worth or random Advertorials, Wells, Beauty shots, fashion news, etc.
Wait for the new issue coming out in a few weeks, YOWWWZAS... ;)